Visit our processing facilities

Visit our processing facilities – Here we show our processing facilities. Our trained personal prepares life coral for the shipment overseas. Our processing facility allows us to acclimate the coral before shipping. It reduces stress on the coral and increases survival rates during transfer and shipment. In the past coral has been packed directly on a boat or on the beach. The new regulation requires that the coral be brought to the processing facility prior to final shipment. The coral can be inspected and processed in a controlled environment and be packed without stressful exposure to the elements. At this point in the process we can sort out any specimen that show signs of distress, or otherwise do not adhere to our high quality standards. At Blue Star Bali Coral Farm we are proud to deliver beautiful large life coral for wholesalers in the ornamental fish trade. We raise coral in the most natural way in aquaculture facilities directly in the blue ocean water of Bali. Our ocean farms and processing facility are in close proximity which reduces undue stress on the coral, and allows us for quick processing and shipping. We are currently expanding our network of wholesale distributors worldwide. If you are a direct importer of life coral please inquire about our list of available coral and pricing and conditions.