The Blue Star Bali Coral Farm is a proud member of the AKKII. In August 1990 a few industry leaders in the coral and ornamental fish industry in Indonesia got together and formed the Asociasi Koral Kerang Dan Ikan Hias Indonesia. This professional association grew over the years to 54 members and has since promoted the well being of natural resources and the promotion of ethical trade practice. This association has since worked closely with the government to work on the restructuring of the life coral trade in indonesia.
We are a proud member and seek to improve our business with the exchange of information and to increase profitability and sustainability of the trade as a whole. The AKKII participate in preservation efforts in varrious ways:
- Monitoring the export and sourcing of coral, clams and ornamental fish by association members and documenting sold quantities.
- Educate the public about the need for protection and conservation, ways to sensibly conduct fishing without the use of explosives or toxic substances
- Further a smooth cooperation with government agencies to implement regulations that aid in the environmental protection, especially in regard to coral and shellfish, to name just a few.
- Parcitipation in coral rehabilitation and restoration efforts by government institutions, non profit organizations and commercial enterprises as well.
- Conduct surveys to give an idea of the status of the population
- Monitoring compliance with export quota requirements
- The development of techniques to successful propagate various types of coral, which has ever increased from the beginnings in 1997 to present times
- Policing and preventing environmental conservation violations through posters, and audiovisual means
- Coaching and support of business development to benefit member companies
- Securing the code of ethics in dealing with flora and fauna (HAPFFI)
- To avoid unfair trade practices
- Participation in a pilot project to develop a sustainable fishing industry modal for coastal villages which will be use in training and education programs.