Bali government working on resuming coral export under new rules and guidelines

Our Team at the Blue Star Bali coral farm are working with the local government to establish new guidelines and rules that will govern farming and export of coral on the island of Bali. Right now our company and other industry leaders are in closed sessions with the ministry of fishery to help developing and implementing new procedures that will help to guaranty sustainability of the Bali coral business, while protecting endangered species and a fragile marine environment. The industry for the export of ornamental fish and coral is on a hiatus for over a year, while the government seeks ways to ensure Balis future. Of the over 50 smaller and larger coral farms on the island of Bali about 20 businesses have closed their doors, while the sales and exports came to a complete standstill. Although the interruption of sales had put and enormous strain on the smaller coral farmers, we are hopeful that we will emerge much stronger as an industry once normal operation resumes.

In October 2019 the new minister of Fishery took over the resonsibility to oversee the industry and he made some statements that indicated the direction the ministry is going. The new Minister Edhy Prabowo had issued a statement to industry representative.

“I have to listen to input from various sides. There may be groups who disagree with the trade in ornamental corals, or there may be groups who feel disadvantaged. We must be careful. The issue of living coral is my focus and will be resolved soon”

While the Indonesian Coral and Shell Exporter Association (AKKII) lobbies for the opening of wild collection re-opening, the government is taking time to evaluate the subject to make decisions that will benefit the people of Indonesia best. The minister shared his concern regarding collection in regard of protected areas and potential damage to coral cover in other. There are also questions regarding the combination of collected and farm marine cultured coral.

Our conversation with official seem to indicate that the trade of cultured coral will resume first. We will do our part to guarantee the welfare or our environment while providing current and future employment for our workers. Coral farming is an integral part of protecting the environment from illegal harvest of precious species. While it is currently not clear when we will be able to commence shipments, we are working diligently with the government to have new regulations implemented in a few short weeks. We will notify our customers once we are able to schedule deliveries. While we expect an initial backlog with the processing of permits and cites papers, we hope to resume normal operation swiftly. The Blue Star Bali coral farm has spent considerable resources to increase and maintain its inventory of beautiful and healthy coral. We are looking forward to be working with our customers in the near future and years to come.