One would not think that coral has a season. After all the beautiful Coral seems to peacefully transcend the seasonal change, especially in locations that seem to have an endless summer. And quite honestly, the coral itself knows nothing of your summer break and travel plans. Its more the people in the coral trade that yield to the changes of consumer habits and market fluctuations. The summer months for us are more marked by routine maintenance and annual projects that we don’t have time for in the busier months of peak export season. Its no secret that much of our sustainably farmed coral finds it new home in locations that indeed have a change of season. So our wholesale customers in Europe and North America for example see a drop in consumer demand during the summer months where families are occupied with outdoor activities and maybe summer holiday travel. Especially in countries that have short summers, those precious weeks find different activities and priorities. So naturally our activities shift a bit towards tending the underwater tables which always need cleaning and maintenance. Maybe spending a few days overhauling the underwater infrastructure, Sorting and documenting the growth of our life coral, or building and improving smaller things in our shipping and packing facility. We are right now still taking advantage and work to complete our small administrative building next to our warehouse. Not a huge project in comparison to other commercial projects, but it will be very helpful and is very much needed for our staff. We are nearing the end of the slow down period and we are sure that pretty soon colorful coral will become airborne at a much faster pace once again. If you are one of our wholesale customers and you are getting ready to stock up on your inventory of life coral, consider putting your order in before everyone else is back from their break. That way you life coral has time to acclimate and rest and you will be ready for a busy and successful fall. We are looking forward to hear from you once again – No matter what time of year it is. Until then, stay cool and enjoy the beautiful colors of the end of summer.