The recently held Summit of G20 leaders discussed subjects from rising inflation and high interest rates to relations between the USA and China and the ongoing Russian Invasion to Ukraine. Among those topics was also an a discussion in the effort to limit Global Warming. Leaders agreed to put forth efforts to limit global temperature increase to 1.5 degree Celsius. That is in line with the goal set in the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. One result of the summit is that the United States, Japan and other members pledged that they would raise 20 billion dollars from government and private funding to aid Indonesia in the effort to reach emission goals by 2030 which is 7 years earlier than current trajectory. President Biden and China’s Leader XI agreed to resume cooperation on climate change.
Scientists overwhelmingly agree that climate change is an essential factor in the damage and demise of precious natural resources like the coral reefs in the area between the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Among other environmental factors like fertilization from human caused wastewater runoff and over-fishing, a rise in temperature of just a half degree Celsius can have devastating effects. For the Balinese people the crystal blue waters are essential in more than one way. Tourism, aquaculture enterprises like the Bali Coral Farm and everyday activities are closely tied to the sea. One of the side effects of the G20 summit held in Bali is that global leaders can witness first hand what is at stake and how important a resolution to pressing issues is for emerging countries. Indonesia has always looked to find a balance between progress and tradition and a G20 summit is is a prime opportunity for Indonesia to make a case for environmental protection. Weighing preservation versus industrialization is a path we have been navigating as a booming island nation for decades. What we read between the lines of the official statements of the G20 summit, is that we are not alone in that journey. Many challenges of global nature are seeking solutions that have to come from a global consent. Our Team at the ocean based aquaculture farm will do whatever we can, in our small ways to be part of a solution.